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“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Welcome to Salty Sea Swabs and the home of Sea Swab Jon!
Jon has worked for 30+ years in the IT and finance industry, is a qualified pilot, a PADI certified diver, a film maker (having studied film with Raindance for 2 years at HND level in 2017-2019) and is currently training to become an RYA Yachtmaster.
The Plan for 2020 and beyond is to sail the world and make videos highlighting our experiences. Jon has invited a number of friends to share the experience and will also be inviting subscribers and patrons to tag along and join in the experience!
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Latest News
Patreon Page now live!
Wondered how you could help? Want to buy me a beer but I'm not in town? Hop along to Patreon and make a pledge! You could be entered into a draw to join me on my travels, crew on the yacht and share the experience! Perks range from a 1-2 week opportunity to bunk with us on our travels as we cross an ocean, being entered into the wall of fame, or just that warm fuzzy feeling that you've helped us achieve our dreams! All made possible by Patreons like YOU! Become a Patron! ...
On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!
Getting set up and ready for my travels around the globe. First stop Zante, then Lanzarote, then Gibraltar, Spain, Africa and who knows where next! Follow my journey on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram and come back here for the indepth detail of the travels! ...